Friday, July 10, 2009

I Know What Killed Michael Jackson

Recently, one of the world’s most eminent entertainers found himself in the other world, leaving this one behind for his family, friends and fans to mope and mourn his tragic passing while simultaneously jubilating over an illustrious and legendary career. In the following weeks, strings of questions have littered the sensation seeking media as well as the inquisitive viewer as to what had actually caused this sudden departure. Following these enquiries, the mystery is slowly being unraveled as more and more nuggets of information surface from those who worked with him and were closest to him. Tales relay a troubled history of an addiction to medicated drugs and professionals in the medical profession proving to be greedy aides to his drastically self-destructive behavior. A forest always begins with a tree and an addiction of such proportions and magnitude always begins with a small attempt at escapism and continues with a lack of restraint from those around. Michael Jackson was a figure whose life was born, lived and died in the public eye. His legacy was all about image and outlook, appearance and acceptance, popularity and recognition. It was a life whose goals and ideals of stardom lacked the core fundamentals of stability and consistency. The gift without a spiritual and character stronghold and support will soon crumble under the guise of notoriety and infamy. Michael Jackson lacked the guidance, wisdom and fundamental training to manage the extreme fame and riches that were thrust upon him. It is this lack of proper understanding that leads to a life of over-exuberance and succumbing to self-satisfying solutions without a wider view of the realities of life and eternity outside one’s temporal existence.

The question remains, where were the pastors, the spiritual leaders, the families, who were to be his anchor to wisdom and right reasoning as excessive amounts of wealth led him spiraling out of control? As he is now laid to rest, the final escape from his bizarre existence, we see pastors and reverends of all kinds emerging from the proverbial woodwork and claiming closeness and friendship to the star. Yet it is these very people, these supposedly pillars of wisdom and knowledge, these fortresses of spiritual sanctity and solution who were to have been his saviour. But alas, their legacy is one of failure. Their legacy is of a man who they could of saved, but didn’t.

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